Welcome to The Survivors

The Survivors is a group of Victorian showbiz veterans from the worlds of TV, radio, recording and media. Members meet twice a year, normally at South Melbourne in June and November, for Saturday get-together luncheons.

The Survivors group was formed in a GTV-9 caravan by Bert Newton, John Proper and Ron Tudor.

In this photo, Alan Pearsall and Peter Smith examine ‘The Great Survivors’ honour board, noting some of the earliest members: Joff Ellen, John McMahon, Arthur Lyster, Dick Heming, Norm Spencer, Frank Rich, Fred Tolley, Ron Tudor, Bob Horsfall, Pat Hodgins, Kevin O’Gorman and Eddie Balmer.

The Honour Board shows that the ‘Norman Banks Memorial Award’ was presented to each of Geoff Manion, Peter James, Alwyn Kurts, Hal Todd and Geoff Corke.

Some of the earliest Survivors participants included Doug Elliot, Peter Smith and Bert Newton. In more recent years, the membership has included Bud Tingwell, Bill Hunter, Keith McGowan, Peter James, John Hart, Doug Morgan and Tony Charlton.

Current convenor is Bruce McKay.